Through the lens of his daily dealings in leading an academic research fellowship, Dr Marc Reid shares with you his bite-sized thoughts on team management, motivation, public speaking, family balance, writing, mentoring, serial tasking, (not) multitasking, entrepreneurship, imposter phenomenon, and more.
These bite-sized episodes promise one thing:
Whether you’re a leader for the first time or the one hundredth time, you will leave every episode with one prompt or one consideration to take on your own path into leadership.
It’s mainly just Marc. It’s mainly unscripted. We’ll be throwing in the odd narration from my articles and book excerpts. We might even have the odd interview or two. We’re not ready to tie this thing in a neat little bow just yet…
Day 981 - Quotable Lessons in Science Leadership
Reflecting on a personal leadership essay penned almost a decade ago. What’s changed since then?
Day 970 - Compare Carefully to Manage Your Inner Imposter
Comparing yourself to others can lead you to conclude that you are an incompetent fraud. This common element of the so-called imposter syndrome is often seen as an enemy to crush rather than an old friend to walk with.
Day 960 - Multiple Versions of You
How might you make more versions of you to maximise the best of you?
Day 931 - I Drive
What can you invest your time in now that will save you immeasurable amounts of time later?
Day 881 - Burst
How can you recharge, removed from the temptation of going back to work as usual?
Day 865 - Don’t Wait for Brilliance
When might tinkering reveal truths that your premeditated design can only dream of?
Day 843 - Tinkering
When might tinkering reveal truths that your premeditated design can only dream of?
Day 842 - Renewal
Consider how you might step back from the limelight to focus on making long-term contributions that you cannot possibly live long enough to see.
Day 777 - Stepping Stones (Part 2)
Consider how you might step back from the limelight to focus on making long-term contributions that you cannot possibly live long enough to see.
Day 736 - Let Them Know
How many complements for others have you held in your head without sharing them aloud?
Day 705 - Stepping Stones (Part 1)
The courage to march on can come from looking back on those who created your pivotal stepping stones…
Day 695 - The How of Teamwork
Once you’ve nailed down the ‘why’ of your team’s existence, consider the ‘how’ behind making the magic happen.
Day 685 - Letting Go...
Consider what you’re holding on to that will one day benefit from you letting go.
Day 651 - Talking About Money
Shed any shame of talking about money by expressing it in terms of the goal it will enable.
Day 594 - The Two Sides of Travel
Consider how much your time is worth when you say ‘yes’ to taking that time away from those you care most about.
Day 547 - No more lectures?
What if you weren't allowed to use the words "lecture" and "tutorial"?