Day 931 - I Drive

There’s a ghost of you in your peripheral vision.

It’s a mere glance in a flash. A version of events that are as intangible as they are spine chilling. That particular you inhabits a world in which time is stretched to the point of being squandered. Everything takes longer than it should and returns even less on the investment.

Sigh with the relief that it’s not the living, breathing, day-seizing you. It’s only a vision. A curiosity. Or is it?

If you rise to the challenge of saving your time so it can be better invested elsewhere, prepare to be haunted by the other you left behind. The one whose time never manifests the possibilities you have now afforded yourself.

What can you invest your time in now that will save you immeasurable amounts of time later?

Listen to the full podcast episode here or wherever you listen to podcasts. Just search “reid_indeed”.

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Day 960 - Multiple Versions of You


Day 890 - For Euan