Day 547 - No more lectures?

We listen, we learn, we learn some more, then we do. Sound familiar?

Lectures are where you go to learn theory and tutorials are for practice. But why is this so?

Through the lecture and tutorial model of the teaching world, you are predisposed to a traditional model of learning:

  • lecture → lecture → lecture → TUTORIAL!

  • learn learn learn DO!

But what if the real risk here is not 'death by PowerPoint' but rather the assumption that we've got the language correct?

Creating a course composed of lectures and tutorials carries with it the risk of incentivising an unnecessary segregation of content. Learn first, do later.

What if you weren't allowed to use the words "lecture" and "tutorial"? Consider, instead, a world in which every learning session was a workshop. Do now, learn now.

  • workshop → workshop → workshop → workshop

  • learn → DO! → learn → DO!

Consider how playing with the language of teaching content might help you more interactively construct the content itself.

Listen to the full podcast episode on wherever you listen to podcasts. Just search “reid_indeed”.

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Day 594 - The Two Sides of Travel


ANNOUNCEMENT | The Imposter Syndrome Masterclass