Day 736 - Let Them Know

Day 736 - Let Them Know
Marc Reid

Sometimes, you simply don’t bother.

You don’t bother to let a kind thought become a meaningful action. You keep it to yourself. Inner whisper never becomes outer touch. Something might have been…but you didn’t bother to try. Now, it won’t ever be.

Occasions will come and go where you have the chance to witness someone’s finer moments. They give a compelling talk, they nail a project, they reduce your stress through their consistent dependability. Whatever it happens to be, pay attention to the times when it makes you think those endearing thoughts.

What, then, if you shared them in a form of words with the person in question?

Whose day might you make? Who might you unknowingly pull from the pit? For whom might you serve as the fork on the road that they will one day look back on from a journey they might not otherwise have taken?

In this episode of the podcast, I reflect on one such occasion where I decided to turn a thought into necessary words.

Consider who needs to hear the compliments that lie silent in your mind.

Listen to the full podcast episode here or wherever you listen to podcasts. Just search “reid_indeed”.

Don’t forget that you can send in your contribution to future Q&A episodes using the form below.


Day 776 - Rations of Time


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