Through the lens of his daily dealings in leading an academic research fellowship, Dr Marc Reid shares with you his bite-sized thoughts on team management, motivation, public speaking, family balance, writing, mentoring, serial tasking, (not) multitasking, entrepreneurship, imposter phenomenon, and more.
These bite-sized episodes promise one thing:
Whether you’re a leader for the first time or the one hundredth time, you will leave every episode with one prompt or one consideration to take on your own path into leadership.
It’s mainly just Marc. It’s mainly unscripted. We’ll be throwing in the odd narration from my articles and book excerpts. We might even have the odd interview or two. We’re not ready to tie this thing in a neat little bow just yet…
Day 190 - Friendship & Loneliness
Who could you reach out to and extend a hand of much-needed friendship?
Day 187 - Public Speaking...Effectively
In public speaking, learn transitions, not transcripts.
Day 186 - Mentors & Coaches
The terms ‘coach’ and ‘mentor’ can often be conflated or synonymized but they are most definitely not the same thing.
Day 183 - From Soup to Nuts
By keeping one foot on the front line, it keeps you fully connected with all parts of what you spend most time trying to see from a 30,000-foot view.
Day 181 - Outreach & Genuine Conversation
Enjoy the silences between questions and your considered answers.
Day 179 - Comparisons
Problems arise when we compare ourselves in this moment to many other people in theirs. We pay no mind to the wildly different stories of life that have led everyone to be together in those moments that trigger comparison.
Day 176 - Welcoming
I’m reflecting on those times in my career when I’ve been thankful to be welcomed.
Day 174 - Procrastinate only to motivate
Some of us procrastinate. Hard! But is it all bad?
Day 173 - Wee Fires Everywhere
What can you learn when paving the way for others to push projects forward?
Interview Episode 1: Novelty and the Unknown (with Dr Lucrezia Casulli)
Marc sits down with Dr Lucrezia Casulli to discuss Marc's academic, entrepreneurship, and the Imposter Phenomenon.
Day 169 - Making Sure Everyone Knows
Let no one feel like they need to be seen to be seen.
Q&A Episode 1
In this first Q&A episode, we discuss more on the concept of getting up to speed versus keeping up-to-date, first encountered on Day 166.
Text books are one way to tackle this challenge, sure. It’s not the only way…
Day 167 - Messages, Motivations, and Mantras
This is a BLANK that does BLANK for BLANK. It’s up to you to fill in the blanks…
Day 164 - I Have No Idea What I'm Doing (...or Do I?)
Not knowing the answer to a question is not the same as not knowing how to get to the answer…
Day 163 - Safety and Leading by Example
To truly rise to the privilege of having a team in your care requires more than a passing thought about how you are truly going to care for each and every member…
Day 162 - Invest in Rest
This arguably overdetailed instance of being unwell paints a clear picture of why rest must be framed as an investment…