Day 173 - Wee Fires Everywhere

There are days now for which I know I’ll achieve no more than doing all the little things that help others press on.

I’ll be stuck looking at finance issues, equipment sourcing, equipment dumping(!), meetings, and so on. Selfishly, I used to really despise that. I’d have no time to get on with anything genuinely interesting.

There’s wee fires everywhere!

For me, it has been an exercise in being less selfish. It’s helped me learn to pave the ways for others to push projects on beyond myself.

What might you consider being more selfless with?

And how can you prepare to be the one who puts out the fires that would otherwise slowly incinerate progress?

If you have a question for Marc, upload an audio recording for it to be featured on a later Q&A episode!

Other ways to listen:


Day 174 - Procrastinate only to motivate


Day 170 - Taking on too much