Day 309 - Entrepreneurial Mindset

Day 309 - Entrepreneurial Mindset
Marc Reid

In a research lecture, you share stories on ideas, methods, results, models, technology, conclusions, and future work.

Such presentations are bread and butter as an academic. And it’s the type of presentation that is world’s away from the pitch I recently gave to attend the entrepreneurial part of our team’s research.

Rather than a 15-30 minute slide deck on the depths of the science we’ve pursued, a single slide summarised an overview of the work. The main point of the pitch? To show how the science could be reduced to sustainable business practice.

From market sizes, to sectors, to customer types, to business models, it’s a very different game from the academic style presentations many of us are raised on. And yet, for the fullness of your view on all aspects of technology and impact, trying your hand at business focused pitches as well as research focused presentations is very worthwhile.

Consider who you might try to articulate your research to…people who care nothing about your paper and everything about your real world impact.

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